     do we train?

We offer personal training and small-group training in Richmond driven by a simple philosophy: life is for living, and we want to give ourselves every chance of living forever. Or coming damn close. Health and fitness is the key to it all.

It's about training smarter, not harder.  Our highly experienced trainers offer close, personalised attention in both private sessions and small-group classes to get you the results you want – and all in a beautiful, relaxed Richmond studio on Bridge Road.

The guy
   The Bones

Adam Remmers

Founder and Head Trainer

We could lead with ‘Adam is a fitness professional with 20 years’ experience’ but that doesn’t tell you who is. What makes Adam a great trainer isn’t how long he’s been honing his craft in the industry—it’s his sizzling passion for fitness and his shit-tonne of knowledge around highly individualised training and nutrition. It’s his thirst for fun, addiction to music, and obsession with travelling far and wide. It’s his wild appetite for adventure and, of course, his uncanny ability to connect with each client like they’ve been friends for years, and guide them to transformational, sustainable results.

Adam finds a way to make you love training. Because results are addictive. Fiercely dedicated to you and your goals, Adam’s approach to each client’s program is intricate, calculated and informed by years of consuming the latest science and teachings around superior training techniques.

The guy
   The Bones

Adam Remmers

Founder and Head Trainer

We could lead with ‘Adam is a fitness professional with 15 years’ experience’ but that doesn’t tell you who is. What makes Adam a great trainer isn’t how long he’s been honing his craft in the industry—it’s his sizzling passion for fitness and his shit-tonne of ever-growing knowledge around training and nutrition. It’s his thirst for fun, addiction to Burning Man and obsession with music. It’s his wild appetite for adventure and, of course, his uncanny ability to connect with each client like they’ve been friends for years, and guide them to straight-up killer, sustainable results.

Adam finds a way to make you love training. Because results are addictive. Fiercely dedicated to you and your goals, Adam’s approach to each client’s program is intricate, calculated and informed by years of consuming the latest science and teachings around superior training techniques.